Hey Cruzan! I didn't know you were half Greek! Guess we didn't get to talk much at the Dallas thingy... A Greek PRIEST? Thats the worst! When my folks went back to the old country, to the village, after my Mother had become a Witness, she told the priest there that she was a Witness and he immediately spit in the dirt and told her she was going to hell. I saw the videos. I think she went to hell on a donkey. <grin> Hehhehe.. Didn't mince words, that one! My Father never became a Witness and we were raised in a very Greek household, despite the Witness stuff goin on with my Mom (she is Swedish). If you want a REALLY good recipe for Baklava, hit up ole Trauma Hound. He's got the best recipe for it in town. I tried it over the holidays... kinda complicated but worth it! I, too, love the Greek culture and people.. but they do have their drawbacks. (See My Big Fat Greek Wedding for reference). Heheheh.
Anyway... hope to see you again!
Country Girl